Homemade Fenugreek and aloe vera hair mask to grow your hair

Homemade Fenugreek and aloe vera hair mask featured

Fenugreek is something that is used by Indian women for a long time to make their hair grow long. The best part about fenugreek is that it not only helps make your hair grow but also prevents dandruff and softens the hair. Benefits of using this fenugreek and aloe vera hair mask,

  • Reduces hair breakage
  • Strengthens hair roots
  • Treats dandruff*
  • Softens the hair
  • Makes detangling easy
  • Reduces split ends*
  • Encourages hair growth*

Marked as * means, you can see the result with consistent usage.

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Homemade Fenugreek and aloe vera hair mask

Ingredients for the hair mask

Fenugreek seeds – 2 tablespoons

Aloe vera gel – 3 tablespoons

Avocado oil – 1 tablespoon

These are the ingredients that you need to whip up your own aloe vera and fenugreek hair mask.

How to make this hair growth mask?

Soak the fenugreek overnight with adequate water

Now strain the water and use it as a last rinse for your hair. Add the seeds  to a blender followed by aloe vera gel that is scooped from an aloe leaf

Blend it until you get a creamy paste, add water to make a smooth paste. Now add the avocado oil and mix well.

Our Homemade Fenugreek and aloe vera hair mask is ready.

Homemade Fenugreek and aloe vera hair mask

How to apply this hair mask?

Just apply this mask all over the scalp by making small sections. Apply liberally all over your hair strands too (You will love how soft your hair is after washing). Leave it for about 45 minutes (yes, you heard it right). Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

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OK, So you know how to make your own fenugreek hair mask and use it correctly, let me answer some of your commonly asked questions.

Frequently asked questions

How Often Should I use a fenugreek hair mask?

Using this hair mask once a week will be extremely beneficial in reducing hair fall and also stimulates hair growth.

Does fenugreek regrow hair?

YES. Fenugreek helps in regrowing hair. I’m saying this from my personal experience. Fenugreek is a good source of Nicotinic acid that encourages hair growth. Also, the lecithin in fenugreek seeds nourishes the hair follicles.

How do you wash fenugreek out of your hair?

If you blend the hair mask smoothly, the paste comes out easily when you shower. But if the mask is not smooth enough, then the particles get stuck in your hair and it will be a tedious process to remove it. If you feel like your mask is not smooth enough, then strain the paste through a muslin cloth.

Can I use fresh aloe vera gel on my hair?

YES. But make sure to wash it thoroughly before using it. Also when you cut an aloe leaf from the plant, it oozes out a yellow liquid, make sure it doesn’t touch your skin since it causes itching when it comes in contact with our skin. So washing fresh aloe pulp is key.

I don’t have Avocado oil with me, what should I do?

Don’t panic, you can substitute Avocado oil with Extra Virgin Olive oil. If you don’t have olive oil then use castor oil in place of avocado oil.

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How should I use this fenugreek hair mask for dandruff?

Add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil to the mask also replace avocado oil with coconut oil to treat dandruff and at the same time stimulate hair growth.

If you have any other doubts and questions do drop a comment below.

Why use these ingredients in this hair growth mask?


As mentioned above the Nicotinic acid helps in regrowing the hair, fenugreek is I’m using fenugreek seeds as a main ingredient. Fenugreek helps in softening the hair and prevents hair breakage. Low hair breakage equals increased hair health. Fenugreek greatly helps in repairing damaged hair.


Aloe vera calms down the itchy scalp and strengthens hair follicles which is crucial for healthy hair growth. It greatly helps in growing the hair and conditions the hair strands effectively. Aloe helps prevents split ends to a great extent.


Avocado oil repairs damaged hair and conditions hair effectively. It is packed with Vitamin E  and antioxidants that help in fresh healthy hair growth while making your hair soft and manageable. Avocado oil hydrates the hair and helps in sealing the cuticle preventing hair breakage and damage.

Have you tried this amazing hair mask, if YES then share your experience below.

Have a great day.

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