Winter weather can be harsh on your hair. The dry climate and cold wind can make your hair dry and brittle, leaving you with many problems. Here are some winter hair care tips to help you keep your locks healthy and vibrant during the colder months WINTER HAIR CARE ROUTINE STEP 1 : HOT OIL […]
How to use fenugreek water for hair growth and shine
Fenugreek seeds are a wonderful ingredient you can add to any homemade hair care products like hair oil and hair mask. They have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight hair loss, dandruff, scalp infections, and hair damage. In this post I’ll be sharing a fenugreek water recipe that promotes hair growth and maintains […]
Hair Porosity – How to determine yours
Hair porosity means the ability of hair strands to absorb and retain moisture. It is determined by the way cuticles are arranged. Hair porosity determines the texture of your hair. Using products and methods that suits your hair porosity is important to have healthy hair. WHAT DETERMINES HAIR POROSITY Genetics plays crucial role in determining […]
3 DIY Hair rinse to solve your hair issues
Hair rinse might look like an alien topic since many people skip even using a conditioner. So using a hair rinse might look intimidating initially but once you start using a canvaDIY hair rinse that helps with your hair issues then there is no looking back. Before making your own hair rinse, you should know […]
Homemade Fenugreek and aloe vera hair mask to grow your hair
Fenugreek is something that is used by Indian women for a long time to make their hair grow long. The best part about fenugreek is that it not only helps make your hair grow but also prevents dandruff and softens the hair. Benefits of using this fenugreek and aloe vera hair mask, Reduces hair breakage […]
Best hair oils for your hair type and concern
We all know the power of the humble cold-pressed oils for our scalp and hair but we often tend to choose the wrong oils for our hair and scalp type. Choosing the right carrier oils for our hair is crucial in building a haircare routine. So in this post, I have shared details of 10 […]