Benefits of green gram for skin and hair

Benefits of green gram for skin and hair

More commonly known as mung bean, this wondrous green-coloured gram is chock-a-block with skin and beauty benefits. Following are some of the beauty benefits of green gram. Including Green gram face mask in the skin and hair care routine will keep your skin and hair healthy in the long run.


Green gram rejuvenates your skin by nourishing and exfoliating it. It removes the dead skin cells and brightens up the texture of the skin. It is rich in vitamins A and C that helps in giving a healthy glow to the skin. 

Rejuvenating green gram face mask

Mix 1 spoon of green gram powder, 1 spoon of almond powder and 1 spoon of curd. Apply this all over face and neck. Rinse it off after 15 minutes. Using this face mask twice a week will rejuvenate the skin.


Green gram has natural bleaching properties which can help remove the tan. It also has antiseptic properties along with being cooling and soothing that can heal your sun-damaged skin, keeping it looking fresh and glowing. 

Tan removal green gram face mask

Mix 1 spoon of green gram powder with 1 spoon of honey. Apply this all over your face and neck. Rinse it off after 15 minutes. Use this face mask on alternate days to remove tan.

Benefits of green gram for skin and hair


Moong dal helps prevents the pores of your skin from clogging up with oils or dirt. It will draw impurities from the skin and skin pores and leaves your skin looking fresh and young.

Anti acne green gram face mask

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Take 1 spoon of green gram powder, 1 spoon of neem powder in a clean bowl. Mix it with rose water and apply it all over the face. Using this mask on alternate days keeps acne at bay.


Green gram has moisturizing properties that help to remove dry patches. Thus it is beneficial for dry skin type. The enzymes present in green gram that helps to keep skin hydrated.

Green gram face pack for dry skin

Mix 1 spoon of green gram powder with 1 spoon of cold milk. Apply this as a face mask all over face and neck. This face mask keeps your skin nourished and moisturized.


The presence of copper in green gram increases the radiance of the skin. Using green gram in face scrubs adds glow to the skin. 

Face scrub using green gram

Mix 1 spoon of green gram flour, 1 spoon of orange peel powder and 1 spoon of buttermilk or water. Use this to scrub your face once a week. It imparts a healthy glow to the skin.



Green gram is known to add shine to the hair. Traditionally it has been used to cleanse the scalp and hair. It keeps hair shiny and healthy.

Green gram hair mask for shiny hair

Soak ½ cup of green gram overnight in water. Blend the soaked green gram, 2 spoons of rose water and 2 spoons of milk. Use this as a hair mask once a week to keep the hair shiny and healthy.


Green gram promotes hair growth. It increases oxygen supply to the scalp and thus it stimulates hair growth. Using green gram on a regular basis will help to regrow lost hair.

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Green gram hair mask for hair growth

Soak ½ cup of green gram overnight in water. Blend the soaked green gram, 2 spoons of castor oil. Use this as a hair mask once a week to regrow lost hair.


4 Replies to “Benefits of green gram for skin and hair”

  1. Ooh…so many great ways to use it..will try it for my dandruff issue, hope it works better than those horrible shampoos that lead to hairfall!

  2. Amazing post Madhu

  3. This post help me a lot. Thanks

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