Sunscreen isn’t just another skincare product. You get it wrong; it may give you a pimple at worst. Sunscreen is medicine for your skin. Use it the wrong way and you’ll look 10 years older. I have heard some people saying Sunscreens are a cocktail of chemicals and it’s more damaging than the UV rays. […]
Can we just talk – Part 1 -The not so good side of chemical free skin and hair care in India
Hey, people! Amidst all the work I’d been doing this week, I’ve had some me-time to experiment with my skin and hair. I’m feeling good that I started posting again. I hope I’ll be able to balance my work and keep concentrating on blogging. You guys can expect regular blog posts from now on. I […]
Toxic ingredients to avoid in hair care products
Nowadays both men and women care for their hair equally. So this leads to the development of many hair care product-based brands. Often we read only the claims and buy the products by seeing attractive commercial ads. Due to some awareness, we came to know about toxic ingredients in hair care products like SLS/SLES and […]